dijous, de maig 17, 2007


Ahir vam quedar per fer un cafè amb el grup. Va ser quasi un panorama de depressió general. Era dimecres.

En Sam està intentant escriure una nova obra petita, però sense èxit. No se'n surt. A la biblio les coses no van millor. Aborrides. Sense noves idees per dinamitzar-la. Amb cada vegada més estudiants.

La Sara treballa encara més, em pregunto quan pararà. El seu sou no augmenta però sí la feina. La seva idea és quedar bé amb el seu cap, pujar laboralment o ser massoca? De moment només veig la faceta massoca, ahir estava quasi estirada sobre la taula, adormida.

L'Ona combinant feina i estudis. Quan no hi ha ningú a la botiga posa els apunts sota el taulell i va llegint. S'acosten exàmens. S'ha aprimat i encara no li han sortit els nervis. Crec que té sort, la facilitat que té per aprimar-se. S'aprima per nervis i al treballar en una bomboneria aprofita i agafa bombons i altres delicatessen per esmorzar. Després es menja la seva barra de quart amb embotit. I continua aprimant-se. Fins que no acabi exàmens no recuperarà el seu pes normal.

Jo a la feina vaig fent. Esperant. Esperant que tingui una feina més interessant. Esperant que confiïn més en mi i m'ofereixin bones feinetes. Mirant ofertes. Pensant en tots els cursos que puc fer a l'estiu: idiomes, cursos d'estiu de la universitat... Sembla que em sobri temps.

Ahir feiem la cerveseta, la coca-cola, la llimonada, asseguts, en silenci part del temps. Cansats. Esgotats. Desitjant passar una setmana que sembla no acabar mai. Esperant temps millors.

6 comentaris:

Hanna B ha dit...

què està passant aquesta primavera? encara no notem aquell subidon, la meva teoria és que s'acosta un estiu de canícula extrema i ho intuim...
feina = realització = frustració per impossibilitat
feina = sou per a subsistir = resignació
suposo que tots teniu bons alicients, no els deixeu hibernar!

tikis ha dit...

Buf!! Em sembla que gairebé tots estem iguals, sense ganes de res i només veient feina i més feina... Estic del tot apàtica i només pensar en els exàmens ja m'entra l'estrès i els nervis i les presses i...

Que arribi l'estiu, les estones de platja, els gelats i les festes JA!! ;)

Ànims, guapa! segur que aviat arriben aquests temps millors que esperem! ;)

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Finally, to insure that you do indeed have the best betting odds that you can get, it is crucial as a bettor to shop the money line and the odds. Any reputable sports book online would offer the best line for your wagers without coercion. However, once you have found the best deal, it is important to verify and scrutinize the odds based on the past performance of the particular teams involved you can make appropriate judgments that can be indicative of the weaknesses and strengths of the respective sporting teams. You should also do research on the sports players, injury lists, and the teams if possible.
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On the other hand if you were to lose then you would wager twice what your original bet was. According to proponents of the system, this strategy will eventually enable you to win the bets you place and when you win you would recover all your lost bets plus one unit profit against your initial wager.

If you are employing neither of those two elements, then the risk you run of eventually losing your entire Base Bank is 99.99%. On the other hand, employing only a good Selection System would not only reduce your risk closer to just 10% maximum, you would also have up to a 10% chance of making money. This would mean that the Bookies would suddenly be faced with a 10% possibility of losing to you long-term, rather than a 99.99% certainty of taking your money from you. Throw in a proper Staking Plan on top of that, and you will have increased your chances of winning to as high as 20%.

Anònim ha dit...

That brings me on to the point of all this. Who among the many United strikers of the past have been the best? For what they are worth, here are my thoughts on the top 5 strikers in the years prior to Alex Ferguson's reign at Manchester Utd. I have a strong suspicion that if you happen to be reading this your views may not align with mine, but I can live with that. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]man utd vs[/url] In anticipation of the 2002 Commonwealth Games, which Manchester hosted, several first class sporting facilities were constructed and this further boosted sports development in the city. These venues include the Manchester Velodrome, the City of Manchester Stadium, the National Squash Centre and the Manchester Aquatics Centre. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]berbatov[/url] Hopefully this article has given an informative insight into the history of the Manchester United Shirt, and should you be asked on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" for the colour scheme of the Newton Railways Club shirt, you won't need to phone a friend!

Anònim ha dit...

One of the factors that can influence the outcome of your program is that many bookmakers set maximum stake limits which can keep you from placing your full wager, so make sure that there in no max limit with any of the bookies that you are dealing with.
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With this movement the United States has taken a different approach to online gambling. Whereas other countries are working with these services to regulate them, the United States is attempting to prohibit them once and for all. By doing this they are missing out on the ability to tax internet gambling instead of getting rid of it entirely. Conservative estimates have shown that taxing these services could make the government in upwards of $6 billion a year.

And finally, in the first article in this series I mentioned being honest with yourself, because one of the biggest lies I have found that a tremendous number of Bettors are guilty of is denying to themselves how many times their Base Bank has been busted! If you too are guilty of this, please remember that until you face up to the truth with the determination to do something about it, you can't expect to turn the situation round in your favour.